
Preaching in the New Testament: An Exegetical and Biblical-Theological Study is unavailable, but you can change that!

Many Christians share the assumption that preaching the word of God is at the heart of God’s plans for the gospel in our age, that it is vital for the church’s health, and that it is the central task of the pastor-teacher. Many helpful books on preaching are available. The vast majority are concerned with “how-to,” but relatively few focus primarily on the character and theology of preaching...

should shape and inform the practice of preaching in the contemporary, post-apostolic context. Such overviews are valuable, and it is not the purpose of this present study to recapitulate their findings. However, two key, interrelated questions remain outstanding (from which a number of secondary questions will flow). First, according to Scripture, is there actually such a thing as ‘preaching’ that can be differentiated in any way from other forms of word ministry? Or, if there was such a phenomenon
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